
I’m an illustrator that likes toying with the idea of technology, discovery and nature. The natural world astounds terrifies and inspires me to create and evolve as an individual. One thing that’s interesting though is I’ve lived close to a heavily populated areas all my life, exposing myself to the mix of technology and nature which constantly seem to battle each other for the world around us. Concrete jungles with little parks in the middle of skyscrapers threatening to break the border between what is natural and what is human made. Lightbulbs, LEDs, neon lights, polluting and dwarfing the tiny stars in the night sky. Phone screens guiding, hypnotizing individuals (myself included), into looking into their artificial lights and distracting them from the nature that surrounds us. There is so much conflict happening around us and I’m not too sure how known it is.

Space especially holds my interest. An area of nature that has alluded human exposure for so long is now becoming explored and polluted by human intervention. There is so much beauty up there in our night sky and beyond that, that has never seen human’s technology but now we have telescopes that can peer into its depths and exposing the beauty that has been hiding, its fascinating and terrifying. Terrifying for two main reasons, the unknown, and the fact that humans seem to destroy beauty constantly, what if we find a way to destroy the beauty up there like we have been destroying the beauty around us. I want to expose the beauty we still hold before we destroy it. And hopefully bring attention to the fact that technology has started to become all consuming.